Fuck Michael Moore
I know Michael Moore (MM) has done some good with his Farenheit 911 documentary by raising awareness around the globe about the confusing mess following the terrorist attacks in NYC on September 11, 2001 ... but come on. The guy, MM, is like a village idiot and has not constructed a picture of anything we already didn't know about if we ourselves are not the village idiot. MM has contributed to the dumming down of the world.
In comes Adam Curtis and his BBC sponsored three part series 'The Power of Nightmares'. This is one of the best documentaries I have seen. He provides a clear thesis about political ideals for both an Islamic Jihad and a US led neo-conservative platform and is able to draw parallels of similarity between the two. Documenting their development from the late 1940's until present.
Baby it's cold outside
The Phantom Victory
The Shadows In The Cave
Why has the word 'propaganda' not been used to describe the Bush doctrine on the global terrorist network? People are posting photos to the internet saying 'I am not afraid' in response to the recent London bombings. Why isn't anyone posting 'I don't believe your propaganda, I am not afraid'?