Sunday, August 28, 2005

I've been waiting for this to happen #2

Every year a few hurricanes wander their way up from the Caribbean to mostly devastate coastlines in the Caribbean, Cuba, and the eastern coast of the United States. Nothing dictates that they can't head to the west of Florida and hit the city of New Orleans head on (maybe there are forces at work which make them tend to go east of Florida?).

A head on impact in New Orleans is especially violent and dangerous because most of the city is below sea level and this coupled with the storm surge of the approaching hurricane will potentially put downtown New Orleans 30 feet deep in ocean water. According to wikipedia, 9 out of 10 deaths associated with a hurricane are due to the storm surge.

The Mayor of New Orlean just announced an evacuation of the entire city. We will have to see how this develops?

I've been waiting for this to happen #1

I have been waiting for a Marseille craigslist and today it is here, Craigslist Marseille. Of course there aren't actually any posts within it but at least it is up. Gotta come up with my first 'rants and raves' or 'missed conections' for Marseille.