Saturday, September 03, 2005

Looting versus finding, racism in the media?

The urban legend website or I should say database at Snopes is always one of my most favorite and respected sites. They have a short list of new stories coming out of Hurricane Katrina and it is sure to grow in the coming weeks.

An interesting post that debunks a claim that the media is racist because it uses the word 'looting' when the subject is black and 'finding' when the subject is white. I have no doubts that there is all sorts of racism in the media but this is a good example where the claim was a rumor that was spreading and just wasn't factual. You gotta keep your facts straight before hitting the forward button to hundreds of people.

Others of interest are: a prank name 'Ablohmie' appeared first on the list of a CNN site to aid finding people, false gas supply rumors, false food stamp rumors, and true (but only for one day) gas prices at over $6 per gallon.


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